Morserino-32 CW Training

  • Compare the characters received from Morserino32 in "CW Generator" mode with the decoded text you entered
  • or the text you keyed on the Morserino in "CW Keyer" mode with the text you want to key
  • Learn abbreviations in "Echo Trainer" mode showing the meaning of the abbreviations you keyed correctly
  • New/beta: Train QSOs: key your QSOs and a bot will answer.


Morserino Firmware Update

Morserino Firmware needs to be 5.x to work with this page. Do an online in-browser firmware update at the Morserino Flash Page. Please note that you have to disconnect on this page to allo a firmware flash!

CW Generator mode

You might need to configure the morserino to send characters via serial line first (see below)! Only Chrome, Edge and Opera are supported at the moment!

The results can also be saved into the local storage of the browser to show the progress you make and to have some text to encode in cw.

For a CW Keyer training copy the text to be keyed into the "Your Input" field and start keying on the Morserino.

Echo/Abbreviations Trainer

To learn CW-abbreviations set the Morserino to "Echo Trainer/Abbreviations". All correctly abbreviations that you keyed correctly show the abbreviation to easy learning the meaning.

QSO Trainer

For a QSO training set Morserino to "CW Keyer" mode and start talking to the qso bot.
Example of QSO messages:

Try the "I'm lazy!" button to see possible QSO messages.
The QSO bot is answering in cw - you can note down what you understand, repeat the bot's message or simply show the message as text.

Morserino Configuration

Configure Morserino to send data via serial cable (by default, the morserino does not send data to the serial connection):

You might to do this for every stored snapshot profile you want to use!

Serial Communication Driver Installation

If you connect the Morserino to your PC/laptop and the device is detected, but no driver is found, you need to install the driver for your operating system from the Download section of the SiLab chip company

News / Changes

Morserino Status: Disconnected
17 wpm Koch: a (1)
Your browser does not support communication to Morserino! Please use Chrome, Edge or Opera!

CW Generator / CW Keyer

Received from Morserino:
Your Input:
Result comparing Received/Input:
You must have >= 90% to continue with the next letter.
  • Green: correct character
  • Orange: missing character
  • Red: wrong character

Saved Results

Echo Trainer

Received from Morserino:
Abbr. English German

QSO Trainer

Make a QSO, bot is triggered by words like 'name', 'qth', 'rst', 'wx'. Start communication with 'cq cq cq de <callsign>.
End all your messages with one of: 'kn', '<kn>', 'k', 'bk', '<bk>', 'e e'!

CW Settings 15wpm, ls:1, ws:3,

CW Settings

Test CW Settings:
Received from Morserino:
Your Input:

M32 Configuration

Edit your Morserino configuration here

Device Info


Select snapshot to recall or clear a snapshot

Select id to store/overwrite configuration as snapshot.

Wifi Configuration

Wifi 1

Wifi 2

Wifi 3


CW School Graz

CW School Graz uses 8 snapshots (or here in german) for different lectures. Here you can program these snapshots with one push of a button!

Plase note that this will overwrite the Snapshots 1 to 8 in your Morserino!

Farnworth Method

The Farnworth method and uses larger spaces between characters and words (Inter Word Space and Inter Character Space).

  • Listening/Understanding: Koch Trainer, CW Generator, Random Single Letter
  • Learn New Character: Koch Trainer, Select Lesson
  • Listening/Sending: Koch Trainer, Echo Trainer, Adaptive Random
  • Listening/Writing and Typing: Koch Trainer, CW Generator, Random Groups (Farnworth method / with larger spaces)
  • Sending: CW Keyer
  • Listening/Sending Abbreviation: Koch Trainer, Echo Trainer, CW Abbreviations (Farnworth method / with larger spaces)
  • Listening/Understanding Words: CW Generator, File Player (Farnworth method / with larger spaces)
  • Listening/Sending Call Signs: Echo Trainer, Call Signs (Farnworth method / with larger spaces)

Advanced (Koch Method)

The Koch method uses only the minimum spaces between characters and words. Some say, that this is the most effective way to learn CW.

  • Listening/Writing and Typing: Koch Trainer, CW Generator, Random Groups
  • Listening/Sending Abbreviation: Koch Trainer, Echo Trainer, CW Abbreviations
  • Listening/Understanding Words: CW Generator, File Player
  • Listening/Sending Call Signs: Echo Trainer, Call Signs

M32 File Upload

Load Texts

M32 CW Memory

Use Morserino as programmable CW Keyer. To recall memories, you must enable CW Keyer mode!

CW Memory 1 (loop)
CW Memory 2 (loop)
CW Memory 3
CW Memory 4
CW Memory 5
CW Memory 6
CW Memory 7
CW Memory 8